VolksFest 2025
Presented by Harrisburg Area Volkswagen Owners Club (HAVOC)
& Southern PA Volkswagen Club (SPVWC)
Sponsored by Autohaus Lebanon Volkswagen and Deutschwurx.
Join us for the 32nd Annual VolksFest event, on the grounds of Mount Hope Estate! Check out the best of air and water cooled Volkswagens and enjoy delicious food from the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire Kitchens and fresh Swashbuckler Ales at this large VW swap meet! *All event information below subject to change. Follow the Volksfest page on Facebook for updates.
Date & Time
April 26, 2025
7AM for Vendors
8AM for Show Field & Spectators
Registration closes at 12PM
Awards will be give out at 2PM
Show Closes at 3PM
Spectators and Show Field Cars by Donation
Vendor Spaces (20'x25'): $25 each or 2 for $40
Programs will be handed out day-of event.
A portion of the proceeds to benefit local community services:
• Hounds of Prison Education (HOPE)
• Music for Everyone
• Saving Acres Farm (Cat TNR Efforts)
• PA College of Technology Automotive Restoration Program Scholarship

Foods & Ales
All Food and Beverages will be served from the Taproom located between the Swashbuckler Brewery and Mount Hope Winery. Please Note: Menu Subject to Change
Breakfast: 8:00AM-10:00AM
Taproom (Cash & Credit): Wrapped Egg Sandwiches • Coffee
Taproom (Cash & Credit): Hot Dogs, Sausages, Burgers, French Fries
Tent 1 (Cash Only): Smoked Pulled Pork, Chips
Tent 2 (Cash Only): Walking Tacos
**Non-Alcoholic Beverages Available at All Locations
Bar Service: 8:00AM-3:00PM
Taproom (Cash & Credit): Swashbuckler Beers, Mount Hope Wines, Lancaster County Cider and Cocktails made with Spirits Distilling Co. Spirits
Beer Trailer (Cash Only): Swashbuckler Beers

This is a show & shine event. Specialty awards will be given to the ten best air cooled and ten best water cooled vehicles. Also, HAVOC President's Choice, Sponsor's Choice over-all award, Patina Trophy, and Kid's Choice will be given.
Parking on show field will be separated into Air Cooled & Water Cooled for ease of judging. If you would like to park as a group, please roll in together.
Kid's Program
VolksFest encourages the next generation of VW lovers to participate in some unique events to include taking part in a scavenger hunt, Kid's Choice Award, and more!

More Information
Email: HAVOCPrez@Gmail.com
Visit: www.GTI16V.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/HAVOCVolksFest
Autohaus Lebanon Volkswagen, Lebanon, PA
Deutschwurx, Elkridge, MD
Positively NO ALCOHOL OR GRILLS permitted. Trash receptacles are provided at various locations. HAVOC is not responsible for damages, lost or stolen property, accidents or injuries. The exhibitor or vendor is responsible for all insurances. Leashed, curbed, well behaved dogs are permitted on the grounds. Dogs (except service dogs) are not permitted inside buildings.
For more information on grounds policies at Mount Hope Estate & Winery, please visit PaRenFaire.com or contact the Business Offices at (717)665-7021.

VolksFest takes place on the grounds of Mount Hope Estate, located at 2775 Lebanon Road, Manheim PA, 17545. Please visit the PaRenFaire.com/Gen for more information.
Area Lodging
Lodging is available nearby. Please visit the In the Area Section of the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire website for more information.