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Celtic Fling

Celtic Fling & Highland Games

Throughout the centuries, the tradition and charm behind the music, dance and stories of the Celtic peoples have captivated the world. The contributions of the Irish, Scots Welsh, Cornish, Manx, Bretons, and Galecians/Asturians not only fill libraries and castles but also pubs, homes and our hearts. The Celtic Fling & Highland Games, as an unbridled celebration of Celtic Culture, offers a first-hand tour of these compelling cultures as it salutes both traditional and contemporary Celtic heritage. Delight your senses with the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of this rollicking Celtic celebration. Enjoy traditional pipe bands, modern Celtic rock bands, and everything in between, plus delicious Celtic cuisine, fresh brewed ales, wines, ciders, and more!

Date, Times & Tickets

Saturday & Sunday, June 28 & 29, Gates Open at 11AM
Plus Friday Kick-Off Concert, June 27 • Gates Open at 5PM
2775 Lebanon Rd. Manheim, PA 17545

Tickets are currently unavailable. Check back on March 17 for band announcements and ticket pre-sale information! Follow us on Facebook @PaRenFaire or join the Royal Email List for more news and updates.

• Tickets are date specific and must be reserved in advance. There are a limited amount of tickets per date and they may sell out.
• Tickets are only available for purchase on the Virtual Box Office.
• Tickets are sold only through this website's Box Office and not through third-party sellers.
• Celtic Fling is a Rain or Shine Event

Sunset Admission

Sunset Tickets allow guest to enjoy the remaining 6 hours of the Celtic Fling festivities, including the end of day Ceilidh. Food booths, pour houses and independent vendors begin closing at 8PM at the start of the Ceilidh at the Globe Theater. Vendors in Swashbuckler Grove and The Wharf Bar will remain open until the end of the performance. The Faire site closes at 9:30 PM.

Regardless of the day's ticket sold out status, 4:30PM Entry Sunset Celtic Fling Tickets will go live on the online box office at 3:45PM on Saturday and Sunday, June 28 and 29 at 3:45PM with entry to the Celtic Fling beginning at 4:30PM. The 4:30PM Entry Sunset Celtic Fling Tickets are not available in advance of the actual Celtic Fling date. The Sunset Ticket is valid only at the 2025 Celtic Fling on the date of purchase from 4:30PM-9PM. Sunset Ticket quantities are limited per day. Tickets must be purchased online through the Virtual Box Office and can be shown from a mobile device the day of your visit for entry. NO GATE SALES. Tickets are non-refundable. Children under 5 are admitted free and do not require a ticket.

Ticket Exchange Policy

  • Tickets are non-refundable.
  • Following the World Health Organization's declaration on May 5 to the end the COVID global health emergency and the Public Health Emergency (PHE) expiring on May 11, 2023, the ticket no-refunds policy is being upheld in cases of positive Covid testing. Tickets may be exchanged per the Ticket Exchange Policy if applicable.
  • Exchange Requests must be made via the online Box Office Help Request or by email to BxOffice@PaRenFaire.com. The order number and new date must be provided at the time of request.
  • Exchange Requests will be reviewed during Box Office hours, Mon-Fri, 9AM-4PM.
  • Exchanges cannot be made into a sold-out performance day.
  • Exchanges will not be made from one event to another.
  • Tickets do not transfer from one year to a future year. Unused expired tickets are null and void.
  • Approved Exchange Requests will be processed and an email confirmation with new ticket links sent to the associated box office account email.
  • Exchange Requests will not be honored after the date appearing on the tickets.
  • Complimentary Tickets cannot be exchanged.
  • Outdoor Events at Mount Hope are rain or shine events. Exchanges will not be made due to weather.

Groups at the Celtic Fling

We are happy to welcome groups to the Celtic Fling at Mount Hope! With unique entertainment/activities, the Celtic Fling is the perfect place to bring your group. Please visit the Group Sales Page for more information (for groups of 15+).

Carding Policy

No matter what your age, please be prepared to show proper identification in order to sample from the wineries or consume alcohol. Valid ID includes a state issued driver's license or state issued ID card with photo, a passport, or a United States military identification card with photo. We are unable to accept any foreign driver's license. Note that the identification cannot be expired at the time of the festival.


Check back on March 17 for band announcements and ticket pre-sale information! Follow us on Facebook @PaRenFaire or join the Royal Email List for more news and updates.

Celtic Fling Entertainment

Celtic performers will fill the Shire with music throughout the day from various stages throughout the fairegrounds while Traditional Pipe & Drums setting the stage for a grand weekend! Compete in fabulous contests or watch as others compete in the Annual Highland Games. Step back in time and learn about Celtic styles, traditions, handicrafts and more with the Shire's Living History or stop by the Clans & Societies booths to learn about Celtic influences on American culture. Irish Dancers and Gaelic Sports will fill the Shire and will make your visit an unforgettable experience!

Check back on March 17 for band announcements and ticket pre-sale information! Follow us on Facebook @PaRenFaire or join the Royal Email List for more news and updates.

Friday Kick-Off Event

The 26th annual Celtic Fling & Highland Games at Mount Hope kicks off on Friday, June 27 at 5PM with the Celtic Kick-Off Concert—featuring some of our favorite performers! Bring your appetite and enjoy delicious foods and refreshing beers, wines, ciders & spirits while listening to the live music. Gates open at 5PM.

Check back on March 17 for band announcements and ticket pre-sale information! Follow us on Facebook @PaRenFaire or join the Royal Email List for more news and updates.

Bands at the
June 2025 Celtic Fling

Celtic performers fill the Shire with music throughout the day! Check back on March 17 for band announcements and ticket pre-sale information! Follow us on Facebook @PaRenFaire or join the Royal Email List for more news and updates.

2025 Celtic Fling Events & Competitions

You can compete at the Celtic Fling in some of the fun events and competitions listed below. Please Note: Sign ups take place 30 minutes before the start time at the location of the competition. You must sign up prior to the event to participate. *All events below are subject to change.

Kids in Kilts Competition

There's nothing cuter than cute kids, except when they're wearing their kilts! All the wee Nipperkins (11 and under) that have donned a kilt for the weekend's festivities are invitied to participate for accolades and great prizes.

Wee Highland Games

For Highlanders 11 years old and younger, bring your lassies and laddies for the opportunity to try their hands at the Celtic Fling’s Wee Highland Games. They'll test their strength under the Caber Noodle Toss, their agility with the Sheep Toss and their team work with the Tug of War. Everyone is Scottish at the Wee Highland Games and all are winners at the Celtic Fling.

Whole Nine Yards: Kilt Wearing Competition

Strut your stuff or simply root for your favorite as up to 12 kilted competitors strive to earn your admiration, and great prizes too! Open for the first time to anyone who thinks they've got the stuff; see if any of them can go the whole nine yards! If you've got swagger in your pleats or just want a seat, you should join us for what promises to be the wildest Fling contest of the weekend.

Celtic Fling MC
Kids In Kilts Competition
Men in Kilts Compeition
Wee Highland Games

2025 Living History

The Celtic Fling brings history to life with demonstrations, re-enactments, traditional demonstrations and more! *All information subject to change.

Archery Through the Ages

Archery Through the Ages

Located Near Bosworth Field
Demo, 12:00PM & Tournament, 2:30PM

Bringing the history of archery and its world-wide application to life. We demonstrate not only how English long bows and wood arrows are made, but how and why they were such effective tools and weapons of war. Enjoy archery and long distance archery demonstrations throughout the day.

La Forge Blacksmith

Blacksmithing Demo

La Forge, 11:30AM, 2:30PM & 6:30PM
Hand-forged, combat ready Renaissance blades perfect for edge-to-edge stage combat. On-site blacksmith performing live, public demonstrations of forging iron over a 2,500° Fahrenheit fire. The iron will glow, and the water will sizzle! Weaponry also be available for purchase. For more information about La Forge, visit LaForge.site.

Catholic Mass

Catholic Mass

Barn & Barrel, 10AM Sunday Only
No ticket necessary for this event—All are welcome to take part in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass presented by The Diocese of Harrisburg. Special thank you to: Deacon Armando Torres (Director for Identity, Culture and Outreach), Fr. Stephen Kelley and Mary-Kate & Peter Lee from Seasons who made this liturgy possible and meaningful. HBGDiocese.org

Dragons Breath Glassworks

Glassblowing Demonstrations

Dragon's Breath Glassworks, 12:30PM, 3:00PM & 6:00PM
Working with a furnace that can reach 2,000 degrees, the Dragon's Breath Glassworks team creates beautiful and functional glass art right before your eyes. Stop by throughout the day for live demonstrations, or to purchase their affordable, hand-crafted wares. Like them on Facebook.

Guts and Glory

Guts & Glory

Locations & Times TBA
Join Argyle Douglas, as he weaves comedy and storytelling into a cooking demonstration of Scotland's most famous dish, Haggis. This exhibition features an authentic Scottish "plushie" sheep happily providing authentic "plushie" organs thus enabling everyone to savour the experience without any worries about "nasty bits". It is a Scottish Comedy, Culture, & Cooking show. The only show on the shire with the guarantee that, "You will laugh until you stop". It may happen at other shows, but I guarantee it will happen here.

Hooley School of Irish Dance

Hooley School of Irish Dance

Locations & Times TBA
Irish dance is a journey, and we encourage our dancers to be positive and goal-oriented as they take steps and leaps forward. The Hooley School believes in helping each dancer achieve their goals and dreams for Irish dance. While each dancer has unique challenges to conquer, they can all achieve success if they are willing to work hard and develop their passion. Learn More

Irish Storytelling

Irish Storytelling

Locations & Times TBA
Cathy Jo Smith has been sharing Irish and Irish-American stories, songs and history across the Midwest for almost 20 years. Whether its tales of the Fair Folk or ghosts, stories of magic or medicine, she can surprise and delight audiences of all ages. Learn more about her and the stories she tells at IrishTeller.com.

Irish Wake

Irish Wake

Locations & Times TBA
The Irish Wake is perhaps one of the best known funeral traditions associated with Ireland. AS long as there have been Irish people, there have been wakes—both traditional and "American Emigration." The period between a death and a burial was a time for both mourning loss and celebrating life. Learn more at: IrishTeller.com.

2025 Celtic Clans & Socieities

Celtic Clans

A clan is considered to be a group of families that are affiliated by geography or marriage or political necessity. Celtic folk frequently use the term “clan,” but no specific definition of the term is accepted by all authorities. The word itself is Gaelic for "children" and was also used as an equivalent for "family."

In addition to offering name lists to search through, you’ll be able to explore clan histories and the work the societies are doing. Interesting fundraising merchandise for sale may include baked goods, books, music, T-shirts, kilts and tartan. Stop by and learn more about the programs and plans the clans and societies have for increasing the awareness of Celtic influences on American culture.

You’ll find many clans and societies represented at the Celtic Fling. Look up your surname and become familiar with the worthwhile missions the clans and societies maintain. If your clan is interested in attending the 2025 Celtic Fling & Highland Games, please call 717-665-7021 or click here to fill out the contact form.

Highland Games at the Celtic Fling

Annual Sanctioned Highland Games

Locations & Times TBA
Saturday, Open Men Comp (Men under 40 with multiple levels of experience)
Sunday, Men Over 40 & Women

Professional competitors are assigned points according to their placement in each Heavy Event. The athlete with the best overall combined performance earns the title "Athlete of the Day." So recognized, the Athlete Of The Day earns an automatic berth in the East Coast Championships in The Plains, VA at Great Meadow Field Event Center. The Athlete is also presented a symbolic Highland Claymore sword.

M.A.S.A. (Mid-Atlantic Scottish Athletics) was founded in 1999 by Heavy Events Athletes and Judges in the Mid-Atlantic region of the eastern United States to organize and promote the Heavy Events. M.A.S.A. is now the official sanctioning organization of the majority of the Heavy Events competitions held in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Kentucky. If you or your organization would like to find out about having a M.A.S.A. sanctioned Heavy Athletics competition please use the contact information at HeavyEvents.com

Heavy Events

Scots have tested their strength against each other at Highland gatherings for centuries. King Malcolm Canmore, who began his reign in 1057, is credited with initiating crude forms of today's Scottish Highland Games athletic competition as a means of improving the abilities of his military. While the games had become festive occasions by the sixteenth century, they were still seen as a way for kings and chiefs to choose the best men for their retinues. Learn more by clicking the event names below.

Similar to our modern-day shot put, using a stone weighing 16 to 28 pounds instead of a steel ball. Each contestant is allowed a 7.5 foot “run-up” to the toe-board.
Athletes throw metal weights with a chain or handle attached in a toss for maximum distance. A 9-foot run-up is permitted, but the most popular throwing form is similar to that of the discus. Best throw out of three counts.
A round metal hammer head weighing 22 pounds with a cane staff is thrown for distance. The athlete’s feet may not move until he releases the hammer. Best of three throws.
A weight, with handle attached, is tossed over a bar raised between two standards. The bar is initially set at a height agreed upon by all competitors. Using only one hand, each athlete has three attempts to clear the bar at each level. Of course, the event goes on until only one is left who has cleared the bar.
This is the centerpiece for modern Highland Games and remains a true test of not only brute strength but timing and balance as well. We note constantly that Caber winners are not necessarily the largest athletes on the field. The Caber itself is a tapered log, approximately 19 feet long, weighing up to 130 pounds. The athlete hoists it up, folds his hands under the end whilst cradling it against the shoulder. The log is then heaved, hopefully, up and over to “ground” its heavy end so that it falls forward. Judging is based as if one were looking at a clock. The closer to “Noon” the Caber lands, the higher the score.
Highland Games
Highland Games
Highland Games
Highland Games

Celtic Fling Merchandise

Don't forget to pick up your official Celtic Fling merchandise during your visit to the grounds of Mount Hope Estate!

Celtic Merch

Please check back for 2025 featured merchandise. Items shown are from the 2024 Celtic Fling.

Featured Merchandise

20oz Celtic Glass Mug
Available for preorder on the Virtual Box Office. This 20oz Glass Mug features the classic Celtic Fling logo. Quantities limited - don't miss out! $17, Includes First Fill. Directions for picking up glass(es) during the Celtic Fling event will be emailed to purchasers prior to the event dates. Guests must show the glass voucher with their admission ticket when picking up their glass(es).

Official T-Shirt
Commemorate your visit to the Celtic Fling at Mount Hope with the official T-Shirt featuring all of your favorite musicians appearing at the festival in a fun style on the back. Available for purchase at Informistress or at the Mount Hope Wine Shop. Sizes subject to availability.

Merchants at the Celtic Fling

A variety of Celtic merchants will join us at the Fling to showcase their unique wares and traditional crafts. All information is subject to change. Please check back closer to the event for the 2025 attending merchants, or Like @PARENFAIRE on Facebook or Join the Royal Email to be the first notified of updates and news!

Interested in becoming a Celtic Fling merchant? Click here for more information!

A Touch of Magic

Location TBD • Artisan

Handmade Goods with a Fairy/Dragon/Magical Flair

Abbey Scriptorium

Booth #221 • Artisan

Shire's Bookstore and Historical Library

All Things UK (Strongside Marketing LLC)

Location TBD • Artisan

Stylish Apparel to Celebrate Your Heritage

American Highlander

Booth #435 • Artisan

Kilts and Clothing

Archer's Cheese Kitchen & Pantry

Booth #214 • Food/Drink

Assorted Cheese Menu Items

Archery Through the Ages

Bosworth Field • Artisan/Service

Archery Demonstration and Hand-Made Longbows

As You Like It/Up Your Kilt

Booth #127 • Artisan

Hand-Crafted Cloaks, Hats, Kilts and More

As You Wish Accessories

Location TBD • Artisan

Timeless Fashions for Regular & Plus Sizes

Aubrey Brown Art

Location TBD • Artisan

Fantasy Prints, Pins & More

Be More Golden Permanent Jewelry

Location TBD • Artisan

Custom Fitted Jewelry, Welded on the Spot

Be Steel My Heart

Booth #343 • Artisan

Fantasy, Licensed Swords

Candy Emporium

Booth #422 • Food/Drink

Assorted Candy Goods

Canes Enable

Booth #529 • Artisan

Vintage Umbrellas, Canes, and Walking Sticks

Captured Curls

Avalon Hill • Artisan

Unique Hair Accessories

Catskill Moccasins

Booth #424 • Artisan

Hand-Crafted Leather Footwear

The Celtic Bag Co.

Location TBD • Artisan

Celtic, Irish & Scottish Inspired Handbags & Utility Bags

Celtic Corset Company

Booth #433 • Artisan

Corsets, Women's Kilts, Corset Dresses, Skirts

Celtic Treasure

Location TBD • Artisan

Brewery Apparel, Jewelry, Hats

The Celtic Vibe

Location TBD • Artisan

Fashion for the Modern Day Celt

The Chaotic Gingers

Location TBD • Artisan

Fantasy Goods for Everyday Life


Booth #220 • Food/Drink

Fresh Steak or Chicken Sandwiches

Chimes and Charms

Booth #449 • Artisan

Upcycled Bottles and Unique Wares

Chimes and Charms II

Booth #428 • Artisan

Handcrafted Wearables by Local Arists

Corsets & Cogs

Booth #140 • Artisan

Specializing in Victorian, Steampunk, Renaissance & Fantasy Goods/Clothing

Crone's Enchanted Cottage

Booth #315 • Artisan

Witchy Creations and Mystical Stoneware

Crown & Comb

Booth #126 • Artisan

Honey, Honey Accessories, Bee Decor

Crown Jewels

Booth #307 • Artisan

Upscale Precious Jewels and Pearls

The Curio Cabinet

Booth #325 • Artisan


Delighted Eye & Sign of the Rose

Booth #317 • Artisan

Headwreaths and Wares for Home and Garden

Denyan Designs

Location TBD • Artisan

Wood Bowls, Pens, Bottle Stoppers & More

Dragon's Breath Glassworks

Booth #328 • Artisan

Glass Wares, Demonstrations, and Classes

Dragon's Treasure / Wax Hands

Booth #300 • Artisan

Make Your Own, Take-Home Wax Hands

Dreadmors Plunder

Location TBD • Artisan

Custom Hand-Made Leather Costuming

Dress Your Dreams

Booth #510 • Artisan

Clothing for All Good Gentles

Duck & Cover

Booth #217 • Artisan

Armor and Child Friendly Swords

Dungeon Museum

Booth #621 • Service

Marvel at the Poor Souls on Display in the Dungeon

Earthly Leather Design

Booth #320 • Artisan

Unique Leather Wares

Electric Woodman

Location TBD • Artisan

High Voltage, Wood and Resin Art

Emerald Castle

Booth #303 • Artisan

Rings, Necklaces, Bracelets, and More

Emperor's Needle

Booth #429 • Artisan

Hand-Crafted Leather Goods

Enchanted Forest

Booth #324 • Artisan

Children's Toys, Wind Spinners, Soaps

Esoteric Empath Soap

Location TBD • Artisan

Artwork, Besoms, SpellJars, Crystals, Decor & More

Ethereal Heritage Designs

Location TBD • Artisan

Strange & Unusual Delights — Staffs & Staves

Fae-Kissed Candles

Location TBD • Artisan

Hand-Crafted Candles & Wax Melts

Fairie Tailor

Booth #314 • Artisan

Hand-Painted Capes

Fantasy Face Painting

Booth #520 • Service

Unique Face Painting and Henna

The Fight Circle

Booth #524 • Service

Challenge Your Friends to a Sword Fighting Duel

Fionna's Fineries

Booth #646 • Artisan

16th Century Apparel for the Fanciful Traveler

Fireball Designs

Location TBD • Artisan

Celtic Airbrush Tattoos & Tees

Fleur Di Lis Teas

Booth #128 • Artisan

Specialty Teas and Tea-Related Gifts

Flora & Folklore

Location TBD • Artisan

One-Of-A-Kind, Celtic Wrapped Pendants

Forever Amber

Booth #522 • Artisan

Exquisite Amber Jewelry

Forever Mine Forever Yours

Booth #534 • Artisan

Gems, Rocks, Pendulums & Such

Fortune's Favour

Booth #636/640 • Service

Tarot Card Reading and More

Full Moon Candle Garden

Booth #514 • Artisan

Hand-Poured Candles and On-Site Candle Carver

Full Moon Ventures

Booth #432 • Artisan

Celtic and Magic Delights

Get Henna'd

Location TBD • Service

Henna Tattoos

Got Chocolate LLC

Location TBD • Food/Drink

Giant, Soft Baked, Organic & Natural Cookies

Grubb Garth & Greenery

Booth #255 • Artisan

Herbs, Incense & Garden Art

Harlequin Shoppe

Booth #313 • Artisan


Hedberg Forge and Metalworks

Location TBD • Artisan

Hand-Crafted Bottle Openers, Knives & More

Hip Klips


Cell Pocket Accessory

The Horn Shoppe

Booth #247 • Artisan

A set of Horns to Suit Every Personality

Imaginarium Gallery

Booth #259 • Artisan

Hand-Sculpted Puppet Creations

The InFamous Welsh Cookie Company

Location TBD • Food/Drink

Traditional Welsh Cookies


Booth #201 • Service

Information Booth & Official Celtic Fling Merch

Inspired by Life Fairy Houses

Location TBD • Artisan

Enchanting Home & Garden Decor

Iron Angel Leather

Location TBD • Artisan

Quality Handmade Leather Goods

Ironworks Pottery

Booth #124 • Artisan/Demos

Hand-Sculpted Ceramics


Roaming Cart • Food/Drink

Assorted Flavored Jerky

John Hay Cigars

Location TBD • Artisan/Merchant

Handcrafted Cigars and Accessories From Here and Abroad

Juggling Sticks

Booth #347/Roaming • Artisan

Once reserved for the courts of kings, now a fun toy for all to enjoy.

Just a Little Twisted

Location TBD • Food/Drink


Katherine's Henna

Location TBD • Service

Natural Body Art

Kilted Suds

Location TBD • Artisan

Kiss Designs

Location TBD • Service

"Eat, Drink & Be Merry" Corsets & Garb

Knight's Coffer

Booth #321 • Artisan

Antique Trunks, Maps, Shields & More

Lady Jewel's Hair Garland

Location TBD • Artisan

For the Creative Fantastical Being in You

The Lady's Dept

Location TBD • Artisan

High Quality Jewelry


Booth #347 • Artisan/Demonstrator

Hand-forged Blades
Feline Cat Colony & Rescue Program

The Leather Lair

Booth #519 • Artisan

Hand-Crafted Leather Clothing and Shoes

Little Shop of Holdings

Booth #312 • Artisan

Boxes, Lockets and Such

Mack Daddy Woodworks

Location TBD • Artisan

Handmade Magic Wands, Weapons, Puzzles & More

Merlin's Magic

Booth #508 • Artisan

Hand-Crafted Walking Sticks; Magical and Mystical Wares

Midnight Orchid Design

Booth #209 • Artisan

Handmade bellydance, renaissance, celtic, steampunk and viking style up cycled clothing

Misty Mountain Gaming

Booth #136 • Artisan

Assorted Dice Sets

Moggie & The Hound: Pet Marketplace

Booth #207 • Artisan

Assorted Pet Supplies & Goods

My Bella Luna

Location TBD • Artisan

Handcrafted, Personalized Moon Phase Pendants

New Lunar Light

Location TBD • Artisan

Ethically Sourced Crystals and Stones


Booth #118 • Artisan

Jewelry and Unique Gifts

Oh, Jessa!

Booth #533 • Artisan

Assorted Garb

Oh My Goddess

Booth #327 • Artisan

Unique, One-of-a-Kind Gifts, Specialties, and Finds

O'Sullivan's Fur Shack

Booth #439 • Artisan

Hand-Crafted Hats and Bags, Pelts

O'Sullivan's Fur Shack II

Roaming Cart • Artisan

Hand-Crafted Hats and Bags, Pelts

Once Upon a Wand

Avalon Hill • Artisan

Hand-Crafted & Painted Products

Pandora's Locks

Booth #625 • Services

Unique Braids and Twists to Wear Around the Shire

Papa Bear Studios

Location TBD • Artisan


Pawsitive Hearts Pet Therapy & Rescue, Inc.

Picnic Grove • Service

Nonprofit rescue and animal assisted therapy in Reading

Peasant Bread

Booth #202 • Food/Drink

Funnel Cake, Peasant Bread, and Lemonade

Perth Pewter

Booth #431 • Artisan

Hand-Poured Pewter and Accessories

Pirates Den

Privy Lane • Artisan

All Things Piratical

Pirates Unlimited

Location TBD • Service

Rides and Games

Q Heart 3

Location TBD • Artisan

Wearable Clothing with a Renaissance Flair

Queen's Creamery

Booth #216 • Food/Drink

Premium Ice Cream, Milkshakes

Rabenwald Metalsmything

Location TBD • Artisan

Handmade/Forged Jewelry, Home Accessories & More

Realm and Reason

Picnic Grove • Artisan

Electroformed Crystal Jewelry

Red Falcon Accessories

Booth #203 • Artisan

Hats, Feather Work, and Tapestries

Red Falcon Armouries

Booth #623 • Artisan

High-Quality Leather Armour and Accessories

Red Wyvern Studio

Booth #318 • Artisan

Unique Renaissance, Steampunk & Victorian Hats

Reinamor Art

Location TBD • Artisan

Pyrography & Mixed Media Art

Roses by Emperor's Needle

Roaming Basket • Artisan

Leather Roses

Roses by La Forge

Roaming Basket • Artisan

Copper Roses

Royal Family Jewellery

Booth #304 • Artisan

Silver Adornments

Sabers, Staffs & Sticks

Booth #316 • Artisan

Sabers, Staffs and Sticks Galore!

The Scarlett Rose

Booth #648 • Artisan

Boldly, Beautiful Hats and Accessories

Scottish Store Online

Location TBD • Artisan

Kilts, Bagpipes, and More

The Shepherd's Knot

Booth #447 • Artisan

Celtic, Irish, Scottish Apparel & Goods

SparkleWish Creations

Avalon Hill • Artisan

Wishing Wands & Seasonal Dandelions

SparkleWish Creations II

Roaming Basket

Handmade Dandelions that Sparkle and Shimmer

Steak on a Stake

Booth #218 • Food/Drink

Beef, Chicken or Shrimp

Stormy Meadow Prints

Location TBD • Artisan

Fine Art, Digital Art & Graphic Design

StoryBrook Hollow

Location TBD • Artisan

Fantasy Creatures

Thorned Rose Gifts

Location TBD • Artisan

Coasters, Earrings, Phone Stands, Etc.

Tomboy Togs

Roaming Cart • Artisan

Embroidered Felt Accessories

Utopia Armory

Booth #426 • Artisan

Chain Mail and Metal Works

Welsh Tea Shoppe LLC

Location TBD • Food/Drink

Enjoy the Taste of the Old World

Whistle Bird Cart

Roaming Cart • Artisan

Assorted Whistels

Wish Bottle Cart

Roaming Cart • Artisan

Choose a Potion, Make a Keepsake

The Wreck Room

Booth #650 • Service

You Buy It, You Break It! Smash a Variety of Glassware

Contact Mount Hope

Please click here to review the FAQ to find answers to many popular topics from event policies, to box office troubleshooting, bag search and much more.

To contact the business office, use the form below or email: RoyalSPK@PaRenFaire.com. Office Hours are Mon-Fri, 9AM-4PM